NYSEIA-Joint Utilities Petition to Implement Various Improvements to New York's Standardized Interconnection Requirements
November 27, 2024
On November 27, 2024, NYSEIA and the Joint Utilities filed a joint (consensus) petition to the Public Service Commission requesting multiple modifications to New York's Standardized Interconnection Requirements. This filing is the direct result of NYSEIA's collaboration with the Joint Utilities and the Department of Public Service through the Interconnection Technical and Policy Working Groups in 2024. The filing includes three major proposed changes:
Cost-sharing payment dates (Appendix E): moves the payment for Qualifying Upgrades under Cost-Sharing from the 25% payment date to the 75% payment date. This change better aligns the nonrefundable Cost-Sharing payments with realistic permitting timelines in New York.
Energy storage schedules (Appendix K): enables interconnection customers in all utility service territories to specify a granular hourly charging/discharging schedule in their interconnection application so the utility only studies the batteries based upon the requested operations. This will reduce the number of unnecessary and cost-prohibitive distribution upgrades for BESS.
Supplemental screening criteria (Appendix G): improves the technical screens which will result in a smaller number of projects below 300 kW failing the screens and requiring full CESIR studies.