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NYSEIA Testimony on New York's FY 2025 Executive Budget (Economic Development)

On January 30, NYSEIA gave testimony at New York's joint legislative hearing on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 Executive Budget Proposal focused on Economic Development. NYSEIA was disappointed to see that the Governor's budget omits the distributed solar industry's top two legislative priorities. NYSEIA's testimony provides background on New York's distributed solar + storage industry, highlights the benefits of scaling up distributed solar + storage deployment, and advocates for the Senate and Assembly to include NYSEIA's priority legislation in the final budget:

1) S3596C/A6739A, a bill to strengthen the residential solar tax credit and make it refundable for low-income households and residents of disadvantaged communities; and

2) A3579A/S8392, a bill that would make renewable energy PILOTs exempt from New York's property tax cap, enhance NYSERDA's municipal outreach/education efforts, and create an improved permitting pathway for community solar projects.

Click "READ MORE" to view NYSEIA's complete testimony.

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