Thank you for attending the 2024 New York Solar Summit!
Thank you for joining us at the Albany Capital Center on November 6th and 7th for the 2024 New York Solar Summit! We welcomed more than 700 attendees to New York's largest solar industry conference. Clean energy leaders from the public and private sectors led conversations about accelerating the Empire State's rooftop and community solar markets, including the different policies, programs, and business models to do so. November 6th consisted of technical workshops with an Opening Reception celebrating NYSEIA's 30th Anniversary, followed by a full day of panel discussions and a trade show on November 7th. This was NYSEIA's first year of two-day programming, and both days were very well-attended and had ample networking opportunities. We look forward to expanding our two-day agenda for the 2025 New York Solar Summit and seeing you again next November!
Looking for more information about the 2024 New York Solar Summit? Check out our blog post to read about the panel discussions and speakers, and see event photos. Find out who joined us on the attendee lists below!

Join us next year—save the date!
Save the date and join us again next year at the Albany Capital Center on November 12-13, 2025, for two days of programming, hosting clean energy leaders and a full-day trade show featuring premier clean energy companies.
We hope to see you there!